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Whether you're a business enthusiast, an advocate for inclusivity, or simply curious about our initiatives, our email community is tailored for you.

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*email subscribers outside of active members will receive a lite version of our newsletter.

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Discover dynamic programs and services on Uncover opportunities for minority-owned businesses, learn about growth initiatives and explore resources that promote diversity in business.

Our premier Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification is nationally recognized and will help elevate your business status while aligning you with opportunities to expand.

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Corporate Members (Buying Entities) are both Local and National and are a large public, private or foreign owned company, university, hospital, government agency or other large buying institution that is committed to Supplier Diversity and purchasing from certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs).
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FSMSDC delivers programs and services with one driving factor: YOUR SUCCESS.
Our programs and services are designed to assist businesses in laying a strong foundation to ensure they are ready to compete in the global market.

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