NABHOOD 28th Annual International African American Hotel Ownership & Investment Summit & Trade Show

Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay 1633 N Bayshore Drive, Miami, FL, United States

NABHOOD’s Mission Increase the number of African Americans developing, managing, operating, and owning hotels. They aim to enhance vendor opportunities and executive-level jobs for minorities, thereby creating wealth within the African American community. Goals of the Organization Increase African American Hotel Ownership: Facilitate the entry of African Americans into hotel ownership through education and networking. […]

MBE Input Committee Meeting

The MBE Input Committee represents the interests of Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s (FSMSDC) MBEs and works with the Council’s board, staff and president. The committee supports and develops strategies and initiatives that serves FSMSDC’s mission of “advancing business opportunities for certified MBEs and connecting them with corporate members,” and doing so in ways […]

Build St. Pete

The Coliseum 535 4th Avenue N, St Petersburg, FL, United States

Join us for the City of St. Petersburg’s 1st annual construction trade show, hosted by the Office of Supplier Diversity. This trade show is dedicated to connecting small businesses and suppliers in the construction industry with resources and contracting opportunities in St. Petersburg and beyond. In this free event, firms of all sizes will be […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Business Growth Through Increased Access to Capital: Unlocking Funding Opportunities


Overview: Access to capital is a critical factor in driving business growth and expansion. Join us for “Business Growth Through Increased Access to Capital: Unlocking Funding Opportunities,” a comprehensive webinar designed to help business owners and managers navigate the complex landscape of financing options. This session will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Becoming Successful in Commercial Construction Projects: Strategies and Insights


Overview: Achieving success in commercial construction projects requires a combination of expertise, strategy, and effective project management. Join us for “Becoming Successful in Commercial Construction Projects: Strategies and Insights,” a focused webinar designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel in the competitive landscape of commercial construction. Whether you’re a contractor, […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Construction Cost & Pricing Series: Mastering the Essentials


Overview: Dive into the complexities of construction cost and pricing with our “Construction Cost & Pricing Series.” This webinar series is meticulously crafted to equip construction professionals with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage costs and set competitive prices. Whether you’re a contractor, project manager, or cost estimator, this series will enhance your […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Construction Cost & Pricing Series: Mastering the Essentials


Overview: Dive into the complexities of construction cost and pricing with our “Construction Cost & Pricing Series.” This webinar series is meticulously crafted to equip construction professionals with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage costs and set competitive prices. Whether you’re a contractor, project manager, or cost estimator, this series will enhance your […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Accounting in Government Contracting: Compliance and Best Practices


Overview: Accurate and compliant accounting practices are crucial for success in government contracting. Join us for “Accounting in Government Contracting: Compliance and Best Practices,” a focused webinar designed to provide essential guidance on navigating the unique accounting requirements and challenges within government contracts. This session will cover key principles, regulations, and strategies to help you maintain […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Thriving in the Age of Business Ecosystems: Evolution of Modern Commerce@A


Overview: As the landscape of modern commerce continues to evolve, understanding and leveraging business ecosystems has become essential for thriving in today’s competitive market. Join us for “Thriving in the Age of Business Ecosystems: Evolution of Modern Commerce,” an insightful webinar that delves into the dynamics of business ecosystems and their transformative impact on commerce. This […]

SBA’s Empower to Grow (E2G) Program – Beginner’s Guide to Negotiating Government Contracts


Overview: Navigating the complexities of government contracts can be daunting, especially for beginners. Our webinar, “Beginner’s Guide to Negotiating Government Contracts,” is designed to demystify the process and equip you with the foundational skills needed to successfully negotiate and secure government contracts. Whether you’re a small business owner, contractor, or new to the world of government […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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