Minority Business (MB) Classification

An opportunity to
connect and grow your business!

Please note: This is the application process for MB Classification ONLY and is NOT equivalent to the process for MBE Certification.
If you are seeking MBE Certification, please visit fsmsdc.org/mbe-certifications.

See If Your Business Is Ready For MB Classification or MBE Certification.

If you are a minority business owner seeking to expand your net worth, make your business stand out in the state of Florida and/or connect with other minority businesses, we now have a classification that will allow us to serve your business and help with your preparation in becoming a nationally certified MBE.

A Pre-Application  Requirement

Watch the Pre-Classification Summary Video

The video provides new applicants with  information about the application process and requirements.

Classification Benefits

MB Classification

Annual Membership
$ 200
Starting at $200. Fees are Based
on Gross Annual Sales
  • Ideal for businesses who only plan to do business throughout the State of Florida and want to have access to FSMDC events
  • Increases the odds of being included and sought out for bid opportunities with corporate, government and institutional buyers in Florida
  • Recognized statewide in Florida
  • Access to FSMSDC programs, services and events

Fees are non-refundable and based on the company’s annual sales.

MB Classification Application Requirements

  • Shorter certification processing time, lower fees and require limited documentation
  • Must be at least 51% ethnic minority-owned
  • Upload a signed affidavit is required (Download Affidavit, sign & notarize before beginning application)
  • Upload the additional documents:
    • Valid driver’s license or state ID
    • Scan or copy of Passport
    • Most recent completed business tax document

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For years, we have had one premier certification that is nationally recognized: Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). We now have an additional program, classification that will allow us to serve more diverse businesses throughout the state of Florida. Our new classification has created additional ways for diverse businesses to be part of our database and begin their path to becoming a nationally certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE).

A Minority Business is a for-profit enterprise, regardless of size, physically located in the United States or its trust territories, which is owned, controlled and managed by minority group members. “Minority group members” are African-American, Latino-American, Native American, Asian-Pacific American or Asian-Indian American by birth and bloodline. “Ownership” by minority individuals means the business is at least 51% owned by such individuals or, in the case of a publicly-owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals. Further, those minority group members control the governance of the business and manage its daily business operations.

If you are a minority-owned business that is NOT ready for certification, but is still  interested in opportunities within Florida or would like to participate in FSMSDC’s programs and events, MB classification may be of interest to you.

The classification is ideal for diverse businesses that want to be informed of upcoming bid opportunities, have access to FSMSDC networking and development events, and primarily focus on doing business throughout the state of Florida.


Compared to MBE certification, these classifications also have a shorter processing time, lower fees and require limited documentation.

Benefits of MB classification include:

  • Assistance with MBE Certification preparation
  • Receive a roadmap to aid in applying for MBE Certification
  • Information about upcoming bid opportunities in Florida
  • Access to other minority businesses in Florida
  • Limited access to corporate and small business advocates and purchasing agents
  • Financial assistance and support
  • Ideal for companies that only plan to do business throughout Florida
  • Access to FSMSDC programs, services and events
  • Shorter processing time, lower fees, and requires limited documentation
  • Must be at least 51% ethnic minority-owned
  • Owner(s) do not have to be a US citizen – green card holders/resident aliens also qualify
  • Upload of signed affidavit is required (Download Affidavit, sign & notarize before beginning application)
  • Upload of the following is also required:
    • Valid driver’s license or state ID
    • Scan or photo of passport
    • Most recent completed business tax document


All fees are annual and non-refundable.
Note: You must complete the payment fields AND the application form in its entirety. You will not be able to return to the form after the payment is submitted.

Please note: This is the application process for MB Classification ONLY and is NOT equivalent to the process for MBE Certification. If you are seeking MBE Certification, please visit fsmsdc.org/mbe-certifications.

Interested in

the premium Minority Business
FSMSDC Network Affiliation

Being certified with FSMSDC has its advantages. You will receive bid notices weekly and our electric newsletter with business intelligence, get access to 50 business courses 24/7, identify strategic partners, gain access to loans and much more.

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