Brasfield & Gorrie: Promoting Physical, Mental, and Financial Well-being
Via ZoomBrasfield & Gorrie EQUIP Workshop - Promoting Physical, Mental, and Financial Well-being Register Here
Brasfield & Gorrie EQUIP Workshop - Promoting Physical, Mental, and Financial Well-being Register Here
Looking for Business Opportunities? Broward Health buys a variety of supplies and services to operate its more than 50 healthcare facilities, Procurement Staff, Key End-Users and Prime Vendors will be on-site for matchmaking. Need a Health Check-Up? Broward Health Community Health Services team will be on-site providing health screenings and health educational resource For more […]
This event brings together NMSDC-certified minority business e nterprises (MBEs) to meet with NMSDC corporate members and other MBEs to help them discover new business opportunities that will help them get new contracts, expand relationships, and/or gain capital for expansion. This event is open to national/local corporate members, government, and MBEs at no cost! REGISTRATIONS OPENS: May […]
The Business PowerNet is a win-win opportunity for all involved. Start Your Day - with a delicious breakfast with SWA's Executive Director Dan Pellowitz. We want to ensure that all segments of the business population, including, small, local, minority and women-owned businesses have an equitable opportunity to participate in the SWA’s procurement process. All businesses […]
U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure Contracting Summit - Tampa | Register Here Date and time Thursday, June 22 · 8am - 5pm EDT Location The Tampa International Airport Event Space (3rd-floor main terminal Event Space on Level 3, between the shuttles for Airsides E and F) 4160 George J Bean Parkway Tampa, FL 33607 ACE […]
Are you ready to take on the big dogs in the infrastructure industry? Don't miss out on this chance to soar to new heights with your business in the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure acquisition process. Register Here
This premiere networking event connects small business owners/representatives with key representatives from Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), major prime construction and architectural/engineering firms; as well as small, woman, and minority-owned business advocates. Annually, the Office of Business Opportunity (which manages the district's supplier diversity efforts) hosts this FREE business networking event, targeted to local small […]
Doing Business with UF! is a hybrid workshop series intended to offer suppliers insight and knowledge on how to do business with the institution. The series provides small business owners with the opportunity to meet with UF departments to discuss how to do business with their area. Every month, UF departments will have the opportunity to […]
You're Invited Orlando Health invites you to join us for a special minority contractor and supplier matchmaking event. Learn about upcoming projects and opportunities directly from the construction prime contractors working with Orlando Health. Community-based partners also will be on hand, providing informational sessions for diverse trades and vendors. View Flyer > Parking
HCA Florida West Parking Garage PROJECT DETAILS New six-story precast parking garage with 671 parking spaces will be constructed on the northwest side of the existing HCA Florida West campus where a surface parking lot is currently located. The site construction will entail demolition of existing parking areas and construction of new concrete curbs, sidewalks, […]