Online Business & Management Training Courses 24/7
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- Click “Request Access” on top navigation
Enter your information and submit the form. A team member will review your request and respond within 48 hours if you are accepted or denied access.
You must be MBE certified with FSMSDC to gain access.
If your request is granted, you will receive an email with a login and temporary password that you will change upon first login. You will also be able to select your preferred language (English or Spanish). Please note that not all courses are in both languages.
If you are denied, you will receive an email with more information about certifying with FSMSDC. Please make sure to check junk and spam folders for an email from [email protected].
Once logged in, you can view the courses by selecting “Business Courses” on the home page or the “Library” button on the upper right hand corner.
You now have access to a variety of business courses for FREE at your fingertips 24/7!
The mission of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC) is to link corporate and government members with Minority Business Enterprises to foster equity in business.
A world in which economic success is diverse and inclusive.
Since 1975, FSMSDC’s purpose has been to foster the development and success of minority-owned businesses throughout Florida. Central to our mission is the principle that networks and relationships among and between minority businesses and corporate and government buyers build businesses.
Copyright © FSMSDC. FSMSDC is an Affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). All rights reserved.
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