Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  Portal

the PPE Portal

In response to the nationwide shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) during COVID-19, the Council is excited to provide a service that is key to virus containment. FSMSDC has launched a platform where certified MBEs that supply PPE products can be connected with buyers (MBEs/corporate members) and others.

How It Works

The online PPE platform will connect MBEs and corporate members throughout the state of Florida and beyond to make, sell and buy PPE products. There will be no payment transactions directly on the site.

Sellers that register to use the platform can list and promote their products to corporate members, MBEs and others. While on the platform, buyers will be able to view a listing of products by company, and a link will take buyers directly to the supplier’s e-commerce store.


Please contact [email protected] or call (305) 762-6151.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]