February 7, 2025
2025 is ushering in a new era.
The game has changed, but with new rules comes endless possibilities to
grow your net worth and your network.
Your new path forward starts with FSMSDC’s 2025 Kick-off!
Hear from Tampa Bay representatives who will share upcoming projects.
and Learn Strategies for Business Success in 2025 and Beyond
Mr. Mas is a visionary entrepreneur with extensive experience in infrastructure, real estate, construction equipment, and healthcare. His leadership has transformed companies into industry leaders, making him the ideal speaker to inspire us as we begin our next chapter.
Whether you’re a corporate partner, MBE, or a dedicated supporter, this celebration is the perfect opportunity to align with our mission, build new connections, and get excited for the year ahead.
We are looking forward to celebrating with you.
Be the first to hear about the ambitious goals and
transformative projects planned for the coming year.
Toast to 50 years of success and the incredible partnerships that
have brought us this far.
Connect with other corporate leaders, supporters,
and contributors who are making a difference in our mission.
Featuring a five-star farm-to-table dining experience by the award-winning Saltblock Hospitality
and exciting entertainment by surprise guests guaranteed to get you out of your seat!
1910 N Ola Ave, Tampa, FL 33602
The mission of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC) is to link corporate and government members with Minority Business Enterprises to foster equity in business.
A world in which economic success is diverse and inclusive.
Since 1975, FSMSDC’s purpose has been to foster the development and success of minority-owned businesses throughout Florida. Central to our mission is the principle that networks and relationships among and between minority businesses and corporate and government buyers build businesses.
Copyright © FSMSDC. FSMSDC is an Affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). All rights reserved.
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