Coca-Cola Beverages Florida Recognized as a US Best Managed Company,Third Consecutive Year

Coca-Cola Beverages Florida Recognized as a US Best Managed Company, Third Consecutive Year

Coca-Cola Beverages Florida, LLC (Coke Florida) is proud to announce it has been selected as a 2024 US Best Managed company. The award, sponsored by Deloitte* Private and The Wall Street Journal, recognizes the achievements of U.S. private companies and the successes of their management teams. In 2022, Coke Florida became the only CocaCola bottler to earn the designation of a US Best Managed Company, making 2024 the third consecutive year it has received the honor.

“It is truly an honor to be recognized again as a US Best Managed Company,” said Troy Taylor, chairman and chief executive officer of Coke Florida. “Our success formula is rooted in investing continuously in our operations, striving to be our customers’ best partner, focusing on providing a great working environment for our associates, and supporting the communities where we operate.”

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