Help to Foster Equity in Minority Businesses

Corporate Members (Buying Entities) are both Local and National and are a large public, private or foreign owned company, university, hospital, government agency or other large buying institution that is committed to Supplier Diversity and purchasing from certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs).

Find out which FSMSDC Corporate Membership is best for your organization today.

The Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC) is committed to creating a business environment that promotes and expands access and opportunity for minority-owned businesses and profitable business relationships between FSMSDC Certified Suppliers and Buying Entity Partners.

FSMSDC facilitates business relationships, procurement and contract opportunities among FSMSDC Certified Suppliers and FSMSDC Buying Entity Partners. The Council also strongly advocates MBE-to-MBE spend.


Corporate Minority Business Development Guide

Benefits, Criteria and Process

  • Assistance in building and strengthening Supplier Diversity Programs, including buyer training
  • Sourcing of qualified MBEs to support business needs
  • Professional development and training
  • Matchmakers and other events that brings suppliers and buyers together
  • Access to database of certified minority suppliers
  • Meet and network with certified MBEs and other corporate minority business coordinators to share ideas and benchmark best practices
  • Receive communications about local and national issues that may directly affect the continued growth of MBEs and the development of corporate supplier diversity business programs
  • Access to Corporate Plus, a membership program for minority businesses with proven capability for national contracts
  • Applicant agrees to promote the general development of minority-owned business in the community
  • Applicant pays such annual dues as may be set by the Board of Directors
  • Applicant subscribes to the development of minority business and agrees to undertake the establishment of a minority business development program in its company
  • Applicant agrees to report its business activity with minority-owned businesses on a confidential basis to the Council. These results will be published in aggregate for all member companies
  • Applicant agrees to designate a primary contact for the Council and shall attempt to participate in and send appropriate
  • Membership is open to all buying entities
  • Membership is renewable annually
minority business professionals connecting at a meeting to discuss minority business enterprise opportunities
Corporate Membership Annual Fees
  • For-profit  $3,000 
  • Non-profit and/or government agencies  $1,500
Local Corporate Membership Application​

Corporations headquartered in Florida and interested in primarily doing business with MBEs in Florida.

National Corporate Membership Application​

Corporations headquartered in the United States and interested in doing business with MBEs nationally and or internationally.

Supplier Diversity Roundtable (SDR) Meetings

Connect with peers to discuss best practices, professional development and trends in supplier diversity. Must be an active corporate member to participate.


Criteria and Process

Local Corporate Members List

A list of the Council’s local corporate members.

National Corporate Members List

A list of the national corporate members can be found on the NMSDC website.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]