Doing Well While Doing Good®

Doing Well While Doing Good® was established to recognize Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s (FSMSDC) Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Corporate Members that are engaged in civic, philanthropic, and volunteer initiatives.

Some of our companies have established their own charitable organizations to assist their favorite causes. They are doing acts of kindness, giving generously to assist the less fortunate, and are making a difference in our community.


  • A Day of Caring: Little Haiti Keeping It Clean and Green
  • Career Day at Miami Edison Senior High School
  • Youth Entrepreneurship Scholarship and Program
  • Holiday Toy Drive

The Doing Well While Doing Good® Humanitarian Award​

The Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s Doing Well While Doing Good ® Humanitarian Award recognizes our MBEs and Corporate Members for their civic, philanthropic and volunteer initiatives. We honor companies that are truly making a difference in the community. The award is presented each year at the Council’s Annual Business Impact Awards.

Winners of the Doing Well While Doing Good ® Humanitarian Award

2022 Winner

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

2022 Winner

Corporate Member

2021 Winner

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

2021 Winner

Corporate Member

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9