Empowering Broward County's Entrepreneurs

E-Powerment Broward is designed to empower and increase success rate of entrepreneurs that run small minority-led businesses in Broward County by providing the tools, resources, and mentorship needed to launch and scale their businesses

Start Your Personalized Journey

Please note – request for services does not automatically make a company eligible to receive services.

What to Expect

On a monthly basis, established entrepreneurs will receive training in:

  • Business management
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Traditional and online marketing
  • Government contracting
  • Business planning

Established entrepreneurs also receive free services from experts in law, marketing, accounting, sales, loan applications, grant applications, business planning and proposal writing.  

Support has been provided by the following Funds at the Community Foundation of Broward:

Leo M. and Alice J Rutten Fund
The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Broward Community Fund

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]

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