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Atlanta MBDA Business Center | National MBE Manufacturers Summit & Awards

August 13, 2023 - August 15, 2023

The Sixth National MBE Manufacturers Summit returns in person this year, August 13-15, 2023, at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Don’t miss this national once-a-year event that brings leading Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) manufacturers together from around the country to acquire new knowledge, analyze global market trends and meet one-on-one with corporations and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). View the Summit Highlights.

This year’s Summit theme, “Workforce: Recruiting, Training and Retaining Tomorrow’s Top Talent”, will uncover the implications and advantages of tomorrow’s evolving workforce to help MBE manufacturers compete and prosper on a global stage.

Convene, connect, and collaborate with thought leaders and with implementing the necessary changes to advance new workforce strategies and stay successfully competitive.


August 13, 2023
August 15, 2023

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9


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