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Brasfield & Gorrie | Vero Beach Project Outreach

August 22, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Cleveland Clinic CEP Outreach Event
This project for Cleveland Clinic Indian River consists of the construction of a new 35,000 SF central utility plant building, fuel tank enclosure, utility link to existing facilities and associated site improvements. The new CUP will include offices to house the facility services/management along with systems infrastructure for hot and chilled water systems and increased utility capacity and redundancy for the existing hospital. All work will take place on an active hospital campus that will need to remain fully operational throughout the duration of this project, requiring an abundance of coordination with the facility. It is anticipated that much of the work relating to tie-ins and interface with existing facilities and systems will need to take place outside of normal working hours in order to maintain full operational capacity.
Trade Packages:
2. Temporary Toilets
3. Equipment/Cleanup
4. General Works
5. Demolition
6. Earthwork and grading
7. Landscaping
8. Masonry
9. Structural steel & misc. metals
10. Millwork
11. Waterproofing & Sealants
12. Roofing
13. Doors/Frames/HDWR
14. Drywall & Framing
15. Stucco
16. Hard Tile & Resilient Flooring
17. Acoustical
18. Painting
19. Specialties
20. Fire Protection
21. Plumbing
22. Mechanical systems and equipment
23. Electrical systems and equipment

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]