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NMSDC Annual Conference & Exchange

October 22, 2023 - October 25, 2023

Celebrating Over 50 Years of Service

For the past 50 years, the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) has advocated for, certified, and facilitated the inclusion and development of thousands of minority business enterprises (MBEs). Today, our certified MBEs account for $400 billion in U.S. economic output annually.

Last year as we gathered in New Orleans, we recognized that it was time to disrupt our own status quo. We seized the moment and the network’s pure potential to reimagine the NMSDC Annual Conference & Exchange.

Hailed as the largest minority business conference in the world, the NMSDC’s Annual Conference & Exchange includes four days of education and networking with over 5,000 corporate CEOs, procurement executives, supplier diversity professionals, and leading minority business owners from across the nation.

And as we move forward in a collaborative, inclusive way, befitting our mission and ethos, we will continue to turn to our MBEs and corporate members and their unique insights, goals, and POV to help guide content selection, drive discussion across expertise, and organizational boundaries, and chart the course for our next 50 years.

Learn More >


October 22, 2023
October 25, 2023




Baltimore Convention Center
One West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201 United States
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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

