FDOT District 6 – BDI Town Hall

FDOT District 6 Auditorium 1000 NW 111th Avenue, Miami, FL

AGENDA: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and refreshments 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM: FDOT’s Business Development Initiative (BDI) Program 9:10 AM - 9:20 AM: Professional Services Projects 9:20 AM - […]

The Launchpad Liftoff Pitch Competition

INNOVUS Innovation Center 1201 W State Rd 436, Altamonte Springs, FL, United States

Are you ready to elevate your startup to new heights? Black Orlando Tech is thrilled to announce The Launchpad Liftoff Pitch Competition. This is your chance to showcase your innovative ideas, […]

Cancelled: FSMSDC’s Business Impact Awards

Armature Works 1910 N Ola Ave, Tampa, FL

Business Impact Awards Event Cancellation Due to Hurricane After Governor Ron DeSantis Executive Order (EO) 24-208, Emergency Management – Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine, declaring a state of emergency in 41 […]

Broward County Public Schools Matchmaker Session: Lawn and Grounds Maintenance

Broward Schools 7770 W Oakland Park Blvd, Sunrise, FL, United States

Don't Miss This Opportunity From The Department Of Physicals Plant Operations: Upcoming $11 million in lawn & grounds maintenance services Tree and Shrub Removal: Quick removal of unwanted dead and/or dying […]

Verdex Construction Subcontractor Outreach and Job Fair

The Park West Palm 7301 Georgia Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida

For....West Palm Beach Based S/M/WBE Subcontractors Certified S/M/WBE Subcontractors: Verdex is looking to hire S/M/WBE Subcontractors for all trades Work on a notable project in your "backyard" To be eligible […]

MBE Input Committee Meeting

The MBE Input Committee represents the interests of Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s (FSMSDC) MBEs and works with the Council’s board, staff and president. The committee supports and develops […]

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