Chase for Business: Marketing in a Digital World

Via Zoom

JPMorgan Chase & Co. to offer free Chase for Business educational courses designed to help entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. From navigating your cash flow to marketing in a […]

South Florida Innovation Day 2024 

Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie, United States

Join us for a day of groundbreaking ideas, inspiring speakers, and unparalleled networking opportunities. The main focus of this year’s event is Manufacturing, with dedicated tracks exploring Emerging Technology, Cybersecurity, […]

Brasfield & Gorrie: US Soccer Federation Training Center HQ Outreach

Via Zoom

PROJECT OVERVIEW: Brasfield & Gorrie is the general contractor for the U.S. Soccer Federation Training Center Headquarters in Fayetteville, Georgia. The project includes the USSF HQ office, indoor training facilities, and outdoor playing fields. Brasfield […]

How to Do Business with Miami-Dade Aviation Department 2024

Miami International Airport, North Auditorium, 4th Floor, Concourse D 2100 NW 42nd Ave, Miami, FL, United States

This workshop will allow firms to discover and learn how to access upcoming contracts in the Aviation Department. Also hear from key department experts and contractors on best practices when […]

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