Miami-Dade County Vendor Academy: Procurement Legislation


The course will provide an overview to vendors pertaining applicable procurement legislation that governs contracts for goods and services and the various procedures and protocols involved in such legislation.

2025 SelectUSA Investment Summit

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center 201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD

THE HIGHEST-PROFILE EVENT IN THE U.S. DEDICATED TO PROMOTING FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) The SelectUSA Investment Summit is the highest profile event in the United States to facilitate business investment by connecting thousands of investors, companies, economic development organizations (EDOs), and industry experts to make deals happen. The 2025 SelectUSA Investment Summit returns to National Harbor, Maryland from May […]

Save the Date: FSMSDC Minority Business Conference (MBC) & Business Impact Awards (BIA)

Celebrating our 50th Anniversary with our BIGGEST EVENT EVER May 28-29, 2025 | Miami, FL After the Annual Kick-off meeting, we are merging two of our biggest signature events into one! The Minority Business Conference (MBC) & Business Impact Awards (BIA) will showcase our best and brightest supplier diversity stars. Learn from highly successful industry leaders, network with […]

MBE Input Committee Meeting


The MBE Input Committee represents the interests of Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s (FSMSDC) MBEs and works with the Council’s board, staff and president. The committee supports and develops strategies and initiatives that serves FSMSDC’s mission of “advancing business opportunities for certified MBEs and connecting them with corporate members,” and doing so in ways […]

Miami-Dade County Vendor Academy: Contracting Opportunities: Invitation to Bid


This workshop is intended to provide a general understanding of the Invitation to Bid (ITB) procurement method and how vendors can respond to an ITB. It will also provide an overview of the County’s procurement opportunities, vendor registration process and Small Business Enterprise programs.

MBE Input Committee Meeting


The MBE Input Committee represents the interests of Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s (FSMSDC) MBEs and works with the Council’s board, staff and president. The committee supports and develops strategies and initiatives that serves FSMSDC’s mission of “advancing business opportunities for certified MBEs and connecting them with corporate members,” and doing so in ways […]

NMSDC 2025 Business Diversity Leadership Summit

Caribe Hilton 1 C. San Gerónimo, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Broadening Supplier Diversity through Business Diversity The Summit's programming will be delivered across three engagement channels - plenary sessions, micro-learning breakouts, and structured workshops - focused on transitioning from supplier diversity to a business diversity strategy. Participants can expect: A meaningful learning experience that inspires action and builds thought leadership. Dynamic facilitators and speakers with diverse […]

MBE Input Committee Meeting


The MBE Input Committee represents the interests of Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s (FSMSDC) MBEs and works with the Council’s board, staff and president. The committee supports and develops strategies and initiatives that serves FSMSDC’s mission of “advancing business opportunities for certified MBEs and connecting them with corporate members,” and doing so in ways […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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