FSMSDC Cares Initiative

On behalf of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council Board of Directors and staff, we hope that you and your families escaped any major impacts from the recent hurricane.

In response, we have activated FSMSDC Cares, our vehicle and platform to assist our MBEs and corporate members who are in need. As you can imagine, many of our MBEs, corporate members and partners are experiencing unprecedented levels of flooding, winds and other destruction due to the hurricane. Our goal is to collect monetary contributions to assist our constituents’ recovery efforts.

We know that the FSMSDC family has a big heart, so please decide what you can do and donate generously to help.

We will get through this together.

#FSMSDCCares #WeAreFSMSDC #InThisTogether

Donate to the FSMSDC Cares Fund

Certified MBE or Corporate Member Assessment

This assessment will allow FSMSDC to gather your information to determine your need.

Goods Donation Form

Join our efforts by donating products, services, transportation, space and other items. This form will allow FSMSDC to gather data and make connections for product delivery.

Learn more about FSMSDC resources, loans, grants and emergency recovery programs

Donate to the FSMSDC Cares Fund

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]