A Certification for
Small Businesses

Get certified as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE), designed to assist small, for-profit diverse businesses with a widely accepted certification, and open doors to exclusive opportunities, funding, and contracting benefits.

Gain visibility with corporations, government agencies, hospital and education institutions seeking small business suppliers and stand out in the marketplace.

Take the first step today!

Please note: This is the application process for the SBE Certification ONLY. It is NOT equivalent to the process for the MBE Certification.
If you are seeking MBE Certification, please visit fsmsdc.org/certified-mbe.

SBE Certification Benefits​

Business Development & Capacity Building
Educational Workshops & Training:

Gain access to business development courses, webinars, and industry-specific training sessions.

Business Growth Accelerator Programs:

Exclusive opportunities to participate in structured growth programs.

Inclusion in the FSMSDC Business Marketplace:

Profile listing in a database where corporations and government entities search for qualified suppliers.

Government Contracting Assistance:

Guidance on navigating public sector contracts, including compliance and certification requirements.

Private & Public Procurement Connections:

Invitations to matchmakers and networking events with corporations and government agencies.

SBE Supplier Meet & Greets:

Engage directly with corporate buyers and prime contractors looking to work with small businesses.

Industry-Specific Forums & Panels:

Learn from industry leaders and gain insights into new opportunities.

FSMSDC Annual Business Conference Discounts:

Receive discounted rates to attend one of the largest gatherings of diverse business leaders.

Spotlight Opportunities:

Selected businesses may be featured in success stories, social media highlights, and FSMSDC’s communications.

Use of SBE Certification Badge:

Promote your certification status on your website, proposals, and marketing materials.

Financial Literacy & Credit Counseling:

Learn best practices for managing business finances and securing working capital.

Connections to Alternative Funding Sources:

Get introduced to venture capital, angel investors, and other financial partners.

Business-to-Business (B2B) Mentoring:

Gain insights from experienced business owners and corporate executives.

Access to Technology & Digital Transformation Guide:

Support for integrating e-commerce, AI, and other digital solutions into business operations.

Advocacy for Small Business Inclusion:

FSMSDC represents the interests of small businesses in legislative and corporate decision-making processes.

Policy Updates & Regulatory Alerts:

Stay informed on changes in business regulations, procurement policies, and economic trends affecting small businesses.

Accepting Organizations

These organizations are accepting our Small Business Certification (SBE), with more to come!


Your small business must meet some basic requirements before you can compete for government and private sector contracts.
Use the information provided below to check for your eligibility.

  • Meet the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) size standards based on your industry.
  • Business must be independently owned and operated.
  • Operate as a for-profit entity within the U.S.
  • Documentation:
  • NAICS Code

Application Fees

All fees are annual and non-refundable.

Please note: This is the application process for the SBE Certification ONLY. It is NOT equivalent to the process for the MBE Certification.
If you are seeking MBE Certification, please visit fsmsdc.org/certified-mbe.

How to Apply

  1. Check Eligibility:
    • Review SBA-specific guidelines for SBE certification.
  2. Gather Documentation:
    • Ensure you have all required documents, including proof of ownership, location, and business size.
  3. Submit an Application:
    • Complete the application through the FSMSDC’s online certification portal.
  4. Verification:
    • Be prepared for a desk audit, virtual site visit, or an interview to verify the information provided.
  5. Receive Certification:
    • Once approved, certification is typically valid for 1 year, with renewal requirements.

Interested in

the premium Minority Business
FSMSDC Network Affiliation

Being certified with FSMSDC has its advantages. You will receive bid notices weekly and our electric newsletter with business intelligence, get access to 50 business courses 24/7, identify strategic partners, gain access to loans and much more.

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