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Get certified as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE), designed to assist small, for-profit diverse businesses with a widely accepted certification, and open doors to exclusive opportunities, funding, and contracting benefits.
Gain visibility with corporations, government agencies, hospital and education institutions seeking small business suppliers and stand out in the marketplace.
Take the first step today!
Please note: This is the application process for the SBE Certification ONLY. It is NOT equivalent to the process for the MBE Certification.
If you are seeking MBE Certification, please visit
Gain access to business development courses, webinars, and industry-specific training sessions.
Exclusive opportunities to participate in structured growth programs.
Profile listing in a database where corporations and government entities search for qualified suppliers.
Guidance on navigating public sector contracts, including compliance and certification requirements.
Invitations to matchmakers and networking events with corporations and government agencies.
Engage directly with corporate buyers and prime contractors looking to work with small businesses.
Learn from industry leaders and gain insights into new opportunities.
Receive discounted rates to attend one of the largest gatherings of diverse business leaders.
Selected businesses may be featured in success stories, social media highlights, and FSMSDC’s communications.
Promote your certification status on your website, proposals, and marketing materials.
Learn best practices for managing business finances and securing working capital.
Get introduced to venture capital, angel investors, and other financial partners.
Gain insights from experienced business owners and corporate executives.
Support for integrating e-commerce, AI, and other digital solutions into business operations.
FSMSDC represents the interests of small businesses in legislative and corporate decision-making processes.
Stay informed on changes in business regulations, procurement policies, and economic trends affecting small businesses.
These organizations are accepting our Small Business Certification (SBE), with more to come!
Your small business must meet some basic requirements before you can compete for government and private sector contracts.
Use the information provided below to check for your eligibility.
All fees are annual and non-refundable.
Please note: This is the application process for the SBE Certification ONLY. It is NOT equivalent to the process for the MBE Certification.
If you are seeking MBE Certification, please visit
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The mission of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC) is to link corporate and government members with Minority Business Enterprises to foster equity in business.
A world in which economic success is diverse and inclusive.
Since 1975, FSMSDC’s purpose has been to foster the development and success of minority-owned businesses throughout Florida. Central to our mission is the principle that networks and relationships among and between minority businesses and corporate and government buyers build businesses.
Copyright © FSMSDC. FSMSDC is an Affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). All rights reserved.
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