Our Vision

A world in which economic success is diverse and inclusive.

We are the leader in certifying Florida minority-owned businesses.

Our certification process will help increase your visibility with corporate and government agencies looking to partner with minority businesses like yours.

Get Certified

Our premier Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification is nationally recognized and will help elevate your business status while aligning you with opportunities to expand.

Access Corporations & Government Agencies

We work to help you discover contracts with corporations and government agencies that need businesses like yours. Our certification process helps to verify and qualify your business for these opportunities.

Connect with a Network of Minority Business Enterprises

The power of community can take your business to new heights. You will have access to a network of other certified MBEs that you can partner and connect with.

Scholarship Opportunities

The Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC) is pleased to announce that NextEra Energy and Florida Power & Light (FPL) will provide scholarships to the Marlin Cano Kellogg Advanced Management Education Program (AMEP) and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth program “Growing an Established Diverse Business,” taking place in Summer 2023.

The Miami Foundation Open for Business Technical Assistance Services

FSMSDC is the official technical assistance partner for small businesses. Get technical assistance, including application assistance, small business trainings, workshops, and consulting.

Connect and Grow Your Business

We bring the right people to the right place at the right time for the right opportunities. Network with corporate, government buyers, and MBEs. Learn from industry leaders and other successful businesses.

Connect and advance your business

Dedication to Leadership

A Dedication Speech by FSMSDC’s President & CEO, Beatrice Louissaint

Connection Newsletter

The Annual Connection Newsletter is a valuable resource that highlights the latest news, events and developments within The Council. Explore our current edition and learn how we continue to foster diversity and inclusion in supplier development.

Join us in fostering equity in Business

Help us build the next generation of minority entrepreneurs and influence thousands of minority households in achieving economic equality and financial independence.

Please strongly consider donating to FSMSDC today!

Subscription Header

Subscription Services

The Subscription allows out-of-network MBEs to stay informed about resources and opportunities throughout the Florida marketplace.

Technical Assistance Program (TAP)

The Technical Assistance Program (TAP) for small, minority-owned businesses is designed to help your business thrive in today’s complex, rapidly changing and uncertain environment.

Need Help Getting Recertified?

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