The Economic Gardening Business Incubator is a workspace that offers start-ups and/or new ventures one-stop access to business resources that result in job creation and economic development. The program offers the following services: business ideation mapping, business planning, professional consultations, technical assistance, financing and shared office space for low/moderate minority owned businesses located in Miami-Dade County, with priority for residents in Commission Districts 2 and 3. The program is funded by Miami-Dade County.

Focused on Job Creation and Economic Development

Business Support Resources and Services

Connect, gain insight and ideas from leading business experts and industry leaders.

Assistance with Identifying Contracts

Learn about contracting opportunities in the public and private sectors. Gain the tools to win the next big deal.

Technical Assistance, Financial Resources and Mentorship

The incubator works with a number of local partners to counsel, mentor and help minority businesses to grow.

Assistance with Marketing

Learn how to identify and create a targeted brand strategy that best reflects your vision and goals across multimedia platforms.

Access Workshops and Other Trainings

Participate in regularly scheduled training and workshops.

Growth Strategies

Uncover growth strategies which include market penetration, market expansion, product expansion, diversification and acquisition.


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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]